- tube zithers
- The body is long and tubular or vaulted. Strings run parallel to the body.
- HS number ; 312 : 312.12 : 312.22 : 312.22
- board zithers
- The body is box-shaped. Strings run parallel to the body. The ratio of the width of the box to its length is quite small. (Includes rectangular or trapezoidal shapes.)
- HS number ; 314.122 : 314.122 : 314.122
- musical bows
- A bow string is hit, plucked, or rubbed.
- HS number ; 311.21 : 311.12
- lyres
- The resonating body has two braces which support a cross bar. Parallel strings are stretched from this cross bar to the body.
- HS number ; 321.21 : 321.21 : 321.21
- lutes (plucked)
- A neck extends from the resonating body. Parallel strings are stretched to the body. Plucked.
- HS number ; 321.321-6 : 321.322 : 321.321-6
- lutes (bowed)
- A neck extends from the resonating body. Parallel strings are stretched to the body. Bowed.
- HS number ; 321.321-71
- spike lutes (plucked)
- A neck extends from inside the resonating body. Parallel strings are stretched to the body. Plucked.
- HS number ; 321.312
- spike lutes (bowed)
- A neck extends from inside the resonating body. Parallel strings. are stretched to the body. Bowed.
- HS number ; 321.311-7
- harps
- brace extends from one side of the resonating body. Several strings are stretched to the body. The plane formed by the strings is perpendicular to the plane of the resonating body surface.
- HS number ; 322.11 : 322.12
- harp-lutes
- Contains a resonating body and a neck. The plane formed by the strings is perpendicular to the plane of the resonating body surface.
- HS number ; 323-5
- khamaks
- The resonating body is a single headed drum. One or two strings are stretched perpendicular to the membrane. Plucked.
- HS number ; 22 : 22
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